Tips to Oily Skin

Oily skin is the skin that produce excess oil due to high activity of oil glands, skin. So that dirt and dust is very easy to stick to face, which in turn can cause acne, black spots, allergies and itching on the skin.

Oily skin can be influenced by hormonal factors during puberty or wrong habits, for example, consume lots of spicy and fatty foods.

Oily skin generally have several features, including:

  1. Looks sticky and oily skin
  2. Skin allergies are often accompanied by itching
  3. Around the nose looks oily
  4. Problematic skin with black spots and acne

In order to perform facial treatments on oily skin, there are several things to note are:

  1. Oily skin should be cleaned frequently. Clean your face at least three times a day, especially after traveling, in the daytime, and at bedtime.
  2. Pores - pores widen, oily skin tends to shrink it using lime juice on a regular basis or can be done by, grab a bowl and fill with boiling water. Put a face on the water to a boil with a towel around the lid so that steam is concentrated on facial skin.
  3. Reduce consumption of chocolate, spicy foods, foods containing spices, food coconut milk, and in fried foods.

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