Tips for dry skin

Dry skin is skin that produce oil in very small quantities. Whereas the function of this oil is to soften the skin. As a result, this type of skin often have cracked.

Dry skin generally have several characteristics, diantaranaya:

  1. The skin looks rough and not shine
  2. Seing chapped skin
  3. Sagnat skin sensitive to product kosemetik

In order to perform facial treatments on dry skin, there are several things to note are:

  1. Use face washing soap containing olive oil or glycerol because it does not contain levels of oil resulting in more dry skin.
  2. Do not use warm water to wash your face because it will make the skin more dry.
  3. Use a mask once a week to smooth the skin as well as make her look beautiful and healthy.
  4. Try to drink water in sufficient quantities and eating fruits and vegetables.

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